Here is how we “commute'” to the lab each morning.
Dr. Noah Molotch (U. Colorado), Dr. Dan Berisford (JPL) Jen Petrzelka (U. Colorado), and Ty Atkins spent all day today (and the previous 2 days) making snowpit measurements using both traditional and new high-tech methods. In this photo, you can see how deep the snowpit is.
We’ll be comparing the snowpit measurements with the radiometer measurements. Right now, we have to be very careful not to disturb the snow that the radiometer is looking at, so the pit is off to one side.
Hey, that snowpit looks familiar… oh, yeah, my backyard in Ohio has looked like that for 2 weeks! Still, I don’t envy that commute. Good work, guys.
As someone living in the equatorial region all my life, I really like getting close to the snow the way you guys did.
Makes me envy of the work you guys are doing.
Good work done here…for the betterment of the human race and the universe.